Wednesday, December 9, 2009


The book of Job was one that I didn't expect to have so many twists and turns. I never remembered Job asking God why he was being punished...Why me? Why me? There's so much I missed in bible school when I thought I was paying attention, but apparently I'd been sleeping during all the good stuff. I guess what I got was the top and bottom of the oreo cookie and missed all the filling. I had heard that old saying, "he has the patience of Job" more than once. I always assumed, with what I'd heard in class that a person could have many troubles, stick to their faith, and not question God. I know I'm not one of those people though, I get myself into enough trouble and then sometimes it just comes for me, so I end up questioning God all the time. Knowing now that Job did have frustrations and really didn't have many patience is actually more comforting, with a hint of relief in there, than thinking he was some wonderfully kind man who could take anything. Ugh! Stories where no one has to question anything seem to leave out character. Shouldn't stories, parables, or whatever have a character that develops into more of an outstanding character by the end because they overcome their flaws rather than just be perfect to begin with? Makes the story much more interesting, to me anyway. I feel like I can relate to Job, but moreso now than I could when I thought he was some really righteous goodie goodie man. Thank God for Lacuna!

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