Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I was so nervous when I first started this class. I knew I needed to stick with it, but I mainly took it because I thought it was goin to strengthen my faith in God, not make me question it. Dr. Sexson scared me to death! I wasn't sure if he was kiddin' about not knowing anything about technology or if he really didn't know. I mean, my own father who will be 50 on Jan. 9, 2010, doesn't even know how to turn on a computer! I have my father's ability to understand technological advances, so the fact that I even figured out how to set up a blog is a zillion COOL flags for me. So why would it be so strange to think that a man who said he didn't know much about technology really wouldn't know? Of course now I can honestly say, even Dr. Sexson has me beat in that department. Good Lord I think I need more training. So this brings me to my point after all. Classes at MSU all require this new technological stuff that I'm unfamiliar with and it scares me. What if I get into a classroom and I have no idea how to work a smartboard? What if the kids expect everything to be on powerpoints? What if I should know what a gobbilygoop (there's no such thing) function is and I'm completely stumped? I don't want to look like I don't know how to do my own job, especially in front of the students, and with technology progressingly like the speed of light, I'm afraid I'm doomed to wander the tech path alone. The blog was hard enough for me to get figured out and just thinking about how 10 years from now kids will be writing papers in what could be a completely new way, makes me wonder if I will cut it as a teacher. Will I? Do I have what it takes? Do I even want to be a teacher? These questions have been on my mind since the beginning of the year, but this class especially makes me question if I'm goin to be good at what I want to do with the rest of my life or if I'm destined to "F" it up! So, this class has taught me about the bible some, but more than anything this class has raised more questions for me to answer. I don't have answers. I know Dr. Sexson thinks there shouldn't be any answers for questions to the bible, but should there be any real defining answers to life either? UGH!

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