Monday, November 16, 2009

Bad day doesn't even come close!

I know everyone has bad days and that our blogs are supposed to be about the bible, but since bad days were discussed in class, I just have to tell my "bad day" story. First off, it wasn't one bad day, more like an entire week. So, I had to go home to Hot Springs, which is 4 and a half hours away, for a funeral. How fun right? Nope! Drove on crappy roads and had to see one of my favorite Aunts buried. Talk about a great start to the week. Then, I come back to Bozeman on crappy roads and when I try to go to class on Thursday I get stuck in the parking lot, without even gettin a spot to park. There were 5 other vehicles stuck too. All of which had to be pushed out before I could get my car pushed out. After that hour to hour and a half of mannual labor I was soaking wet from head to toe. So I decided the smart thing to do would be to go home and change instead of getting pnuemonia again. On my way home I almost got high centered in the middle of the highway. I had to speed up as to not get high centered and then I almost ran off the road because it was too icy to be driving faster. Lovely right? NOPE! To top it all off I had to work this weekend. I felt terrible Friday, did nothing about it, Saturday was worse with an ear infection, left work early, there's more money down the drain, Sunday went back to work and was told to go see a doctor. Surprise, Surprise; the big news.....I have strep throat! Yay, but at least now I'm not contagious anymore. I got the shot in the butt of penecillan and have been prescribes lovely meds like vicadin and steroids. However, this weekend I only got 4 hours of sleep total, couldn't eat for two of the days, and could barely swallow hot tea. To make the week even better I lost my drivers license and I have to study for three tests tomorrow. Shoot me please! By the way, I'm not askin why this is happening to me, more like, just kill me now. Not really, but ugh!

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