Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Thoughts on "The Slave"

"The Slave" by Singer was a bit of a shocker for me. I'm only on page like 48 or something, but wow, I was so not expecting there to be so much incest and uncuth behavior in this book. I like this book so far, but I'm still in shock of the direction it is taking. To me, Singer has portrayed the Christian faith as being nothing more than a rude mix of rituals and superstitions. He has portrayed the Jewish faith as if it were the only one and correct faith to have. That's fine, but I wasn't expecting to find that every "Christian" as he calls them, to be a murderer, cheat, liar, filthy piece of dirt, and mallicious creature where his character Jacob is made to be a glorified God almost. Of course this is only my opinion and I still am excited to finish this book. To see the twists and turns that I hope it will encounter and uncover, but for the most part, the two worlds that he describes are far from reality, again, in my opinion.

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